Tuesday, 29 April 2014

Carolyn Wilcox – Recruiter – Red Hat Systems – cwilcox@redhat.com

Carolyn Wilcox – Recruiter – Red Hat Systems – cwilcox@redhat.com

Carolyn Wilcox – Recruiter – Red Hat Systems – cwilcox@redhat.com

  • Carolyn Wilcox is, without a doubt, a terrible recruiter! If anyone ever has the misfortune of dealing with this patently inept and transparently incompetent recruiter, proceed at your peril;
  • Her recruitment and candidate selection practices are inherently discriminatory, biased and arbitrary;
  • She continuously ‘filters’ candidates based on past experiences with the candidate (ie. if you were deemed unfit for a role previously, you will be denied further consideration for other opportunities); this goes against Red Hat’s own equality polices & guidelines given that: (i) – every opportunity is a different one; and (ii) – Red Hat encourages candidates to reapply if a suitable opportunity doesn’t transpire; 
  • She’s incredibly arrogant, disrespectful, snide and even arguably quite racist, xenophobic and homophobic towards candidates that she doesn’t seem to have a liking for;
  • She is immensely lacking in basic courtesy and general etiquette (ie. doesn’t return calls/e-mails, fails to follow-up with feedback, gets annoyed when pushed for a status update, etc);
  • She is a complete and utter disservice to not only to the hiring managers that she deals with but also to Red Hat and its customers, partners and shareholders given that she is allowing her prejudiced views pass over candidates with genuine talent and potential instead opting to move forward candidates that she feels would be an appropriate fit;
  • Think these invectives are from a disgruntled individual? Think again. Check out all the negative reviews about her on Glassdoor.com and various career sites dating back a while;
  •  If anyone doesn’t want to initiate a formal complaint in fear of possible reprisal (eg. if applying for other opportunities, your complaints about this recruiter might impact your candidacy), then the best is to proceed with an anonymous complaint to the Red Hat Board of Directors, Majority Shareholders, Customers and Executives; it would be completely pointless to raise this with the Head of HR or Recruiting (they will do nothing about this), but instead direct such grievances to the executive brass who will pass it down the chain for further investigation:
Jim Whitehurst (CEO): jwhitehu@redhat.com
DeLisa Alexander (Chief People Officer): dalexand@redhat.com
Kerri Catallozzi (Press Relations): kcatallo@redhat.com